Friday, September 7, 2007

The Mega Wedgie

We cam to visit Melinda and her family in June and we went to Whitewater Bay, a large outdoor water park in Oklahoma City. Near the end of our visit, she challenged Mark and I to ride the Mega-Wedgie - a 277 foot steep slide with a 64 foot near-free fall slide. The slide looked daunting, but at the beginning of Melinda's ordeal last year, I vowed that I could be at least as tough & brave as her. I've never had to face what she had to face, so I don't know if I am that brave. But I could at least face the same huge waterslide. She went first of course, then mark, then me. Let's just say they don't call it the Mega-Wedgie for nothing :). She has also been my inspiration while training for the Race for the Cure. A rough day on the treadmill doesn't begin to compare to a rough day of chemo or radiation. She'll hopefully always inspire me. -Jason Evans

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